Share the Magic of Camp
There is nothing better than being able to sponsor a camper and send them to camp! Sponsor a camper today and give them an experience they will never forget.
Consider a tax-deductible charitable gift to help fund camperships for families who, without your support, could not provide the magic of a summer at camp to their child. By supporting A Thousand Summers, you help to give the camp experience to young people whose families cannot afford the full camp fee. Becoming a summer camp sponsor is a great way to give back.
The John Austin Cheley Foundation (now A Thousand Summers) was established in 1989 by a group of Cheley alumni in honor of John Austin (Jack) Cheley, son of founder Frank H. Cheley.
Jack served as camp director from 1941, the year his father died, until 1981. His dream was to make the camp experience available to deserving youth who otherwise could not afford it. The Foundation awards partial or full camperships (scholarships) to motivated and qualified children without regard to sex, race, color, religious affiliation, and national or ethnic origin. Sponsor summer campers for a great cause and Cheley (or other associate camps of the Foundation) will provide them with an experience they will not forget and learning tools they can use for a lifetime.
To learn more about the Foundation and how you can help, please visit their website at www.athousandsummers.org. The John Austin Cheley Foundation is a registered 501(c) 3 charity and operates independently from Cheley Colorado Camps, Inc.