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“The Ranch at the End of the Trail”

Girls’ Trail’s End

Located 12 miles east of Estes Park in Glen Haven, the Trail’s Ends are self-contained. GTE is an 85-acre ranch bordered by wilderness land along Fox Creek. GTE has eighteen Conestoga wagons, its own boathouse, lodge, dining hall, and other facilities, including Barns, craft shop, and archery/riflery ranges.

The age range at the Trail’s Ends provides a strong sense of camp unity with a mature and nurturing family feel. Our campers at BTE and GTE feel the added strength of the friendships that develop in a setting modeled after the pioneer days of the rugged West. Both TEs offer a strong and loving support system that’s so important during your teen years because you’re able to rely on your peers and counselors and gain a greater sense of independence. Some campers apply to be a Camper in Leadership Training (CILT) seeking additional responsibilities and leadership experience in their final summer at camp.

For Girls 12 to 17 Years Old

Walk to the pasture with friends after breakfast, halter and grain in hand. Lead the horses to the corals and barns for feeding and grooming. Or pack your backpack for a beautiful three-day trip with your camp buddies to a favorite destination. Girls’ Trail’s End will give you a terrific sense of camp unity and connection in a setting that typifies western ranch life, complete with covered wagon living.

This is no ordinary Colorado girls’ summer camp. Girls’ Trail’s End feels like family with a big-sis-little-sis vibe, which is one of the things campers love most. Campers sleep in covered wagons in a wooded setting near Fox Creek, with four girls assigned to each Conestoga. The wagons are arranged in two circles for added warmth and closeness. You look out for one another, laugh and play together, and trade stories about the day’s adventures. Girls’ Trail’s End offers a strong and loving support system that’s so important during your teen years.

You will love the hiking and backpacking programs at GTE. Another unique aspect of this camp is its horse packing program. You’ll learn how to pack a horse for overnight trips, including knot tying skills, packing the horse for balance and efficiency, and horse-leading techniques. You’ll challenge yourself, make new friends and learn valuable life skills.


Skit practice, Square Dance with BTE, get to know you games, skit in a bag, spa night, kangaroo court, punny Pictionary, walkie talkie tag, Java Night, Voting Night, shark tank, game night, self-defense, vespers, fish bowl, recognition campfire, scavenger hunt, skit night, Mario Kart, and more.


Lower Wagon Yard: Wagons 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 1/2, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Upper Wagon Yard: Wagons 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16

Explore Our Activities

Girls’ Trail’s End campers get to choose from a wide range of activities designed just for you.

  • Archery
  • Backpacking
  • Ceramics
  • Challenge Course
  • Climbing Wall
  • Colts
  • Crafts
  • Fishing
  • High Ropes
  • Hiking
  • Horseback Riding Pack Trips
  • Horseback Ring Rides
  • Horseback Trail Rides
  • Lil’ Ranchers
  • Mountain Biking
  • Mountain Biking Trips
  • Outcamping
  • Rafting
  • Riflery
  • Solo Experiences
  • Sports
  • Stand Up Paddleboarding
  • Technical Climbing
  • Via Ferrata
  • Woodworking
  • And miscellaneous activities, like Finer Things, Water Wars, Random Acts of Kindness, and more!

*During the summer, campers may have the opportunity to participate in the designated activity; however, it is not a regular offering.

What is a Unit?

Our 27-day Summer Camp program is divided into eight distinct units, thoughtfully organized by age and designed to foster close-knit communities within our larger camp. Each unit offers the same renowned Cheley Experience, supported by a dedicated team of 13 to 16 enthusiastic counselors. Girls’ Trail’s End has a capacity of 72 campers.

Each unit has its own well-maintained lodge, boathouse, and living spaces. This structure ensures that campers receive personalized attention while benefiting from a smaller camp feel. Six of our eight units are located at Land O’ Peaks (LOP), with boys’ and girls’ units in separate, walkable locations, while the remaining two units are located at Trail’s End (TE). The TEs are on separate properties, approximately 15 minutes apart by car, offering a more secluded and self-contained camp experience.

Campers primarily participate in activities and campfires within their unit, but some cross-unit opportunities occur, such as All-Camp Campfire, Play Day, and other shared traditions. Girls’ Trail’s End conducts its Chapel independently, without combining with any other unit.

What is a Go-To Counselor?

Each camper is assigned a counselor in their unit (typically, someone also in their cabin) who is responsible for them in terms of general camp life. They are your mentor, advocate, and “go-to” counselor throughout the term. This means they are checking in with you daily to see how your experience is progressing. They are getting to know you and what excites and scares you. They are watching you every day, and because of your relationship with them, can tell when things are going well and when they need extra attention. In essence, they are your big brother or sister. To support you and your Cheley Experience, your go-to counselor is there for you to:

Next Steps

Ready for the summer of a lifetime?