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Terms of Use

Cheley Colorado Camps, Inc. Website

This website (the ‘site’) is owned and operated Cheley Colorado Camps, LLC, and its agents, owners, employees, representatives, and contractors (“Cheley”), and is provided for your use, education, communication, and enjoyment. However, your access to and use of this site is subject to the following terms of use. By accessing this site you agree to accept and be fully bound by these Terms of Use:

Propriety Materials

This site contains copyrighted materials (including but not limited to code, graphics, text, software, photos and images), trademarks, protected trade names and logo/marks that are the sole property of Cheley, and (other than downloading or printing for personal use) may not be copied, broadcast, disseminated or publicized in any way or for any purpose, without the specific written permission of Cheley.


All content presented is provided “as-is” without any warranty, and Cheley disclaims all warranties, express or implied, in regard to the content contained on this website. In addition, to the fullest extent allowed by law, Cheley disclaims all responsibility or liability to any person or entity for any injury, damage, or other loss caused or claimed to be caused from your use of this site, or use of the information contained on this site.

Use Of This Site

Site visitors may not use or transmit information or materials on this site that are considered (in the discretion of Cheley) offensive, abusive, criminal, or otherwise inappropriate, or which contain a virus or other harmful information.

Attention Children

If you are a minor (under the age of 18 in Colorado, age may vary in other states), you are welcome to view this site but must have permission and involvement from your parent or legal guardian to purchase anything, send personal information about yourself or others, or register for any Cheley programs on this site. Cheley encourages parents to supervise their child’s internet use and to participate with their child when the child is accessing the internet.

We hope you enjoy visiting our website! Please email the office if you have any questions or concerns.