Ask a Camp Director

Why Don’t Some Campers Return? And What We’ve Learned.


Every year, we eagerly welcome back familiar faces to Cheley, along with a wave of new campers ready to join our vibrant community. We’re thrilled that around 80% of our campers return each summer, and we’re already seeing a strong commitment for 2025, with 70% of our campers reenrolled from 2024. But we know there are always some who don’t make it back, and we’re committed to understanding why.

While some campers age out (about 6% of our total) and leave us with fond memories and hope to return as counselors, others share a variety of reasons for not coming back. The number one reason? Many campers feel the pull from home—whether it’s tied to a school schedule, family trip, sports commitment, or summer job that asks them to stay local for the summer.

Listening to Families: Understanding the “Why”

At Cheley, we believe in the power of open, honest communication. Each year, I personally reach out to many of the families that aren’t returning. I spend much of the off-season gaining valuable insights from families, learning more about their camp experience, and understanding their reasons for both returning and not coming back. We recently surveyed our camp families, and about a third of our 700 families shared their feedback. The reasons they gave varied, but we noticed some common themes: school, family vacations, sports, and work were all cited.

We know that these commitments are essential parts of life, and we also recognize that not every family is open to having this conversation, so we don’t always get a response. That’s okay—our goal is to learn and grow, and even when we don’t hear back, we keep asking because we genuinely care. We believe that time spent at camp is an investment in something truly special—a place where young people can thrive, just as they are.

School Schedules
With academic demands and schedules often spilling into summer, it can be challenging for some families to find the right time for camp. However, summer camp offers a unique balance to the structure of school by encouraging experiential learning in a natural setting. Campers at Cheley gain independence, develop problem-solving skills, and learn to adapt—all of which are essential to thriving in school and beyond. Plus, after a school year filled with structured learning, there’s something revitalizing about an outdoor adventure in the Rocky Mountains.

Family Vacations
Family time is incredibly important, and many families choose to spend their summers together. At the same time, we see the benefits of giving kids their own space to grow and make memories. Camp offers a safe and supportive environment for campers to form friendships, take on challenges, and discover who they are outside of their family unit. This kind of personal growth often makes for richer family experiences later on, as campers return with new stories, perspectives, and a renewed sense of self.

Sports Involvement
For some campers, summer is the prime season for training or competing with their sports teams. While these experiences are rewarding, camp offers a chance to step away from the routine and build a well-rounded set of skills. At Cheley, campers engage in diverse activities that complement their athletic pursuits, from teamwork and leadership to resilience and problem-solving. The experience can even enhance their performance and mindset when they return to their sports.

Work Commitments
Some of our older campers step into summer jobs, embracing the responsibility that comes with employment. At camp, we foster similar values, but with an added sense of community and mentorship. Beyond just developing job skills, our campers learn teamwork, resilience, and leadership—qualities that are invaluable in any workplace. Many campers even find that these experiences prepare them for their future careers, giving them an edge when they do start working.

Cheley Isn’t Always the Right Fit—and That’s Okay

One of the most valuable things we’ve learned is that no camp is right for every child. And while it’s rare, there are times when Cheley simply isn’t the perfect match. Out of hundreds of campers, we usually find that only a handful don’t feel completely at home here. When that happens, we encourage families to explore other camps where their child might thrive. Our ultimate goal is for each camper to have an experience that truly suits them, wherever that may be.

Embracing Opportunities for Improvement

We’re always looking for ways to enhance the Cheley Experience, whether that’s through listening to feedback or seeking out new ways to connect with our campers and families. Every story, every piece of feedback, and every conversation is a chance for us to improve. By sharing why some campers don’t return, we hope to show that we’re always listening, always learning, and always ready to make Cheley even better.

We’re grateful for the trust our camp families place in us and for every returning camper who joins us for another season. And as we prepare for 2025, we can’t wait to welcome back the new and the familiar, knowing that Cheley will continue to be a place where memories are made, and connections are strengthened—year after year.